Pat Hazell: The Good Humor Man
Pat Hazell: The Good Humor Man brings the Seinfeld writer and Tonight Show comedian back to Omaha for one glorious night of laughter. Showtime once declared Hazell “The Funniest Person in Nebraska” and “One of The Five Funniest People in America”. Get your tickets for an evening of hilarious & heartwarming stand up comedy that was homegrown right here in his hometown. This material is broadcast television friendly for all ages. So bring your family, bring your friends and bring your sense of humor for this one night Ha-Hapalooza. There is limited seating for Friday, August 25th
“Milk-snorting Funny!” -Jerry Seinfeld
“Pure Unpasteurized Nostalgia” -L.A. Times
“Laugh-out-loud material that is pitch-perfect” -Impact Weekly