Cinco De Mayo
Benson Theatre
Tequila Tasting 5:30 PM. Performances begin at 6:30 PM.
Cato Chicano "The Tequila Whisperer": Tequila Tasting
Mariachi Zapata: Music and Performance
Sangre Azteca: Performacne
First Friday – May 5th, 2023. 5:30 PM
Celebrate Cinco De Mayo at the Benson Theatre with music, performances, and a tequila tasting.
Mexican Americans publicly celebrated Cinco de Mayo and recognized that the French invasion of Mexico had commonalities with the Civil War then being waged by the Confederacy against the United States. Their celebrations championed freedom winning against the forces of tyranny in the two countries and were, at least until the late 20th century, an occasion for building community and identity among Mexican Americans.
The very first public Cinco de Mayo celebrations occurred not in Mexico but throughout California and Texas in the weeks after the Battle of Puebla.
In South Omaha, in 1935, Cinco de Mayo was celebrated by the Sociedad Mutualista Mexicana at the Union Hall at 25th and M street.
This year, on the 5th of May, 2023, beginning at 5:00 pm, the SOIHM, commemorates Cinco de Mayo at the Benson Theatre, 6054 Maple Street. The Hispanic Arts Center of Omaha, Mariachi Zapata, Marina Rosado, Linda Garcia, as well as honored guests, elected Officials, will join so many others who for over 100 years have made South Omaha a Magic City destination for Spanish speaking/surnamed peoples.
Sponsor: MAHSM/South Omaha Immigrant History Museum.
General Admission – $10
w/Tequila Tasting event – $25 – Presented by: Chato Chicano – “The Tequila Whisperer”